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Pennsylvania Auto Insurance Buyer's Guide - PA Auto Insurance Basics

Pennsylvania Auto Insurance Buyer's Guide - PA Auto Insurance Basics

 Pennsylvania Auto Insurance Buyer's Guide - PA Auto Insurance Basics

How to find the best auto insurance in Pennsylvania? Where is the cheapest auto insurance company in Pennsylvania? What are the minimum insurance requirements for PA? What should I look for when comparing auto insurance rates in Pennsylvania ?How can I find car rental insurance in Pennsylvania and should I buy one? These are all important questions for PA residents of legal driving age. Read on to learn the basics of PA auto insurance and see if you can save money in the process.

Pennsylvania No-Fault Auto Insurance Act

Pennsylvania has a no-fault system for motor vehicle accidents. This means that your insurance will pay your compensation claim regardless of who was at fault in the accident. No-fault laws vary from state to state and can change over the years. Therefore, you should call or visit the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance website to ask questions.

PA Auto Insurance Minimum Requirements

Pennsylvania law requires personal injury insurance with a minimum of $15,000 per person and a maximum of $30,000 per accident. Personal injury insurance covers, among other things, medical expenses, loss of wages, compensation for pain and suffering, and legal defense costs that may arise as a result of an accident.

Pennsylvania requires you to have at least $5,000 in auto liability insurance for property damage. Property Damage Compensation is paid for property damage to others, such as: B. Fences, homes, cars and all legal costs that may arise from this damage.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is also required by Pennsylvania law. There are different levels of personal injury coverage, but the minimum requirement is $5,000. Pennsylvania lists First Party Benefits - Minimum Amount of Medical Needs. If you are involved in an accident, this insurance covers related medical and surgical costs, rehabilitation services such as physical therapy, all necessary dental, psychiatric and optometry costs, ambulance and nursing services, and necessary medications and medical supplies. , cover the prosthesis. device. This policy only grants benefits to you, other drivers named in the policy, and relatives living in the same household as you.

PA compensation law

Pennsylvania requires you to choose the prohibited option. The Tort Option defines your entitlement to compensation if you or your family members are injured in a motor vehicle accident caused by another driver. A LIMITED RIGHTS TO LIMITED DAMAGES OR LIMITED TORT PROVIDES ONLY LIMITED BENEFITS. You will be covered in full for medical expenses, etc., due to an accident, but you will not be covered for pain, suffering or other non-financial damages, unless the injury is serious, such as a head injury. B. Lifetime disability or death. Premiums for property damage, full out-of-pocket contributions, and loss of income protection are lower for the Limited Tort option than for the Full Tort option.

If you choose comprehensive insurance, your right to coverage is not limited. Under total tort, you and other members of your family can seek damages for medical and other expenses, as well as injuries you suffered or injuries caused by other drivers. You can also seek full financial compensation for any pain, suffering or other damages caused. accident. Premiums for property damage, out-of-pocket expenses, and loss of income are not covered if you choose the limited tort option. 

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